Amazon has taken measures to deliver prioritized stock to customers during the coronavirus outbreak by temporarily disabling shipment creation for other products, including vinyl. The measures have been put in place until at least 5th April 2020 and dependent on the continued threat of the virus, this date could be extended. Amazon have also clarified that they will continue to sell any existing records they have in their warehouses, but will not receive any new orders until at least the aforementioned date.
This would have been a big bonus for record shops with Amazon eating into their profits in recent years, but coronavirus has also forced any non-essential stores, such your local record shop, to close (with good cause I might add). The closure of record shops is likely to mean that some of the smaller venues will be unable to survive the extended closure period and unfortunately be forced to shut their doors for good.
The record industry has been struggling recently with a fire destroying one of only two lacquer producing plants worldwide, as well as the delay of Record Store Day, once again due to coronavirus. Many albums and tours have also been delayed due to the worldwide pandemic.
Vinyl Chapters wishes everyone in the record industry good health at this trying time. And vinyl fans, as soon as it’s safe to, get down to your local record store to help them out and support them!
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