Exploring dark emotions amongst a classic rock sound, Red Skies Mourning dives into heart-wrenching emotion on Signs For You.
From the dawn of time music has been an outlet for artists to work through personal experiences and help listeners to understand what they have been going through, maybe even helping them through their own difficult situations. Chris Aleshire is the man behind solo-project Red Skies Mourning and this is the exact atmosphere he’s going for on debut track Signs From You, drawing on difficult times but still offering an important glimmer of hope.

With the track illuminating a story about an unsuccessful rescue search, big guitars enter with a hard rock sound and drums enhance the atmosphere on a steady beat. The gentler breakdown sections help give that glimmer of hope amongst the dark times, before hitting us hard with a catchy chorus that pushes the listener to really listen to the plights of the artist.
Because Aleshire is dealing with such dark themes, you can tell he’s really thrown himself into this track and it really comes through in the power of the music. The chorus especially opens up the song and allows it to breathe in the heavy sounds and hazy harmonies. The subtly delayed vocals and up-to-date production techniques also add another layer to the distinctly old-school sound.
There are still a couple of areas that could be improved, however. The vocals at times get lost amongst the roaring guitars which is a shame when the lyrics appear to mean so much to the artist and drawn from personal experiences. The verses could also do with another layer or two to really help bring the track out of its shell.
Signs From You is a heartfelt track that you can tell, straight away, really means something to Chris Aleshire. Full of classic-rock riffs that help lift the sound and melodies that really soar, all it needs is a couple of tweaks to help it stand out even more.
Score: 3/5
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