Nonviolenze takes an introspective look at himself and asks the world to look, too, on the single and video for Mirror.
Nonviolenze, aka singer-songwriter Shri Baratan, has never been one to shy away from some self-analysis and trying to better himself and others; this is exactly what new single Mirror is all about. It’s important for all of us to check in with ourselves from time to time, and Baratan does this here against distinctive guitar work, clever vocals and a penchant for creating a strong and beguiling atmosphere.
Starting off with sounds of a thunderstorm, the track then brings in beautifully played acoustic guitar that ebbs and flows against intermittent harmonics and Baratan’s constantly fluctuating vocals. They move along on the gentle melodies and become perfectly adept at changing pace and direction at the drop of a hat.

Feeling like an acoustic Pink Floyd track at times, about mid-way through the atmosphere changes, almost feeling darker or perhaps more focussed as Baratan belts out “Mirror Mirror…what do you see when you look at me”. Quite expectedly, it’s a self-reflective track with the artist delving deep inside himself to not only find answers, but highlighting the facts that what you display to the world will be reflected back onto you. Display hate and it will be returned. Display love and happiness, and this will also surround you.
The accompanying video heightens the experience, somewhat. Shot in one room with Baratan on guitar, the black and white fractured mirror design in the background perfectly compliments the stories created throughout the music. The budget doesn’t appear to have been there to make it a truly psychedelic experience which could have really brought out the tantalising sound, but it does help bring everything together nicely.
Mirror is a glance inside the mind of Shri Baratan and if you listen and take in what is said, a glance inside yourself. The guitar work is exemplary and the artist is not afraid to wear his influences on his sleeve to get his messages across.
Score: 3/5
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