We might not have thought that 2021 could be anymore crazy than 2020 but it seems like we were proven wrong! Oh well, one good thing is that New Music Fridays is here to improve your week. We’ve got some well-needed, chilled out sounds this time to lead you into the weekend in the best way possible. Click the pics for a listen and enjoy.
Scoobert Doobert – Can’t Imagine Feeling Better
California-based Scoobert Doobert brings a slice of indie-pop loveliness to the start of 2021 with the settled sounds and beautiful flow of Can’t Imagine Feeling Better. It’s the sense of chill and happiness we need right now while the world is in a difficult situation, sauntering along at a dreamy pace with a chorus that can’t help but make you feel good. Slap this on your playlist and feel the warmth it brings to your life.
Lil cat – rock n roll
Danish lofi-pop duo lil cat wrote this track to define that “Rock n roll ain’t rock n roll anymore” and draw on the changes in mindset and practice that has seen the diverse sounds in rock music today. With a gentle flow and grungy yet settled bassline hitting the chorus with aplomb, it’s perfectly suited to Cat’s laid back and sedated vocals. It’s a song that contradicts itself in a clever way by drawing on rock music but still being pulled back to that lofi sound. A clever mix and idea.
Charlie Grant – Wide Open
Berlin-based Charlie Grant releases the thought-provoking, Wide Open. It’s based around the ideas of what it means to be a man in today’s world against a folky, minimalist sound that builds in a pleasing way. It’s the sound of a musician pouring out his heart and soul and not afraid to reveal his deepest thoughts. It’s power is in its sincerity against a bright chorus and Charlie being able to find rhythms and melodies that others would miss. A strong performance.
William Gagnon – Find My Baby
The psychedelic indie rock sound of Find Me Baby is a mesmerising and wonderful piece. Starting off with a bright acoustic guitar, this love song gradually builds in the subtlest of ways against deep vocals and accompanying finger clicks before settled beats enter the fray and high-pitched backing vocals provide that added layer to bring it all together. A beautiful track that gives you something else with each listen.
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