The fertile, cross-pollinating imagination of Kit Sebastian permeates a heady, joyous and oddball debut album that conjures summery sonic flotsam by drawing upon three languages and an array of outre styles. We’re living in unnerving times dominated by base demagoguery and voices of exclusion, intolerance and insularity, which is why Kit Sebastian’s perfectly formed debut … [Read more...] about Kit Sebastian: Mantra Moderne – Review
Kit Sebastian
The Time Is Now For Kit Sebastian
The extraordinary sounds of Kit Sebastian, a band whose time has come. There are moments in pop music when an artist seizes an opportunity on the back of aggressive marketing and others when the inherent majesty of a sound or an aesthetic rises to the surface with a modicum of hype. The latter surely applies to the stylish multi-instrumentalist duo Kit Sebastian, who are about … [Read more...] about The Time Is Now For Kit Sebastian